Open the Book

Open the Book
Open the Book is a series of primary school assemblies presenting Bible stories in a concise and engaging way. The Bible stories are retold using the Lion Storyteller Bible written by Bob Hartman. To add interest, they are presented by a small team, varying the voices, and using simple costumes and props and often the help of a few children..
There is a well-established Open the Book team in Reigate, working regularly at Sandcross School, and we now have a Redhill team as well. Led by Carol Harland and supported by Lindsey Hardwick from SparkFish, the team made its debut at St Matthew’s School early in 2020, and was then silenced by the pandemic. Happily, we have re-emerged this term. We recently told the story of creation as part of the school’s harvest assembly, and we will be in action again in November.
It is a joy to share stories which mean so much to us with hundreds of children for whom they are a fresh source of wonder, reflection and inspiration. It is also good to work with people from other churches.
Once established at St Matthew’s, our hope is to visit other local schools too if we gather enough enthusiastic members. If you would like to know more, email the SparkFish office in the first instance at We would love to hear from you.
Paul Taylor
SparkFish Trustee