10th Birthday Celebration Virtual Week of Prayer: 1st- 6th February 2021

10th Birthday Celebration Virtual Week of Prayer: 1st- 6th February 2021
Join us for a special week of prayer for our local schools. Our prayers are powerful and we know God invites us to partner with him in bringing his Kingdom on earth as in heaven through prayer. The children and young people we work with are growing up in a world full of challenges and trials and we want to see them equipped, inspired and encouraged to live a life of faith, hope and love. This last year in particular has been such a season of change, challenge and uncertainty but we have a hope, and his name is Jesus. So let’s pray for our schools, pray for our children and young people, pray for our staff and volunteers, and pray for the work of SparkFish for the years to come.
How can you get involved?
There are 5 exciting ways you can get involved:
1 – One hour prayer guide
Sign up to pray for 1-hour using our 1-hour prayer guide, downloadable from the link below. This guide will take you through various themes and topics as you pray for our work in schools this year.
Click here to view our One Hour Prayer Guide
2 – Go on a prayer walk
Download one of our prayer walking maps using the following link, get walking and pray for the schools on your route.
Click here to view our Prayer Walk Maps
3 – Follow our daily prayer points
Do you only have a short time each day? Download our daily prayer points following the link below for a different theme to pray for each day this week or follow us on Instagram to watch daily prayer videos.
Click here to view our Daily Prayer Points
4 – Set up your own prayer space at home
Feeling creative? Set up a prayer space in your home! Have a look online for some prayer space at home ideas. Remember to send us some photos!
5 – Wednesday lunchtime prayer
Join us on Zoom on Wednesday 3rd Feb to pray together for the work of SparkFish at 1pm. Here are the access details:
Meeting ID: 736 6222 2898 Passcode: Prayer
Whichever way you choose to be involved, please let us know:
You can register to pray here.
We’d also love to hear your stories and see photos of you praying at home or prayer walking so please send these to jen@sparkfish.org.uk. We are so excited to be praying together this week and to see what God will do as a result. Let’s pray!
“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” Ephesians 6:18